Andrew Mueller, DMD, MD
Dr. Andrew Mueller loves being an oral and Maxillofacial surgeon. After completing both dental and then medical school, he did a general surgery residency and an oral/maxillofacial surgery residency (both at Parkland hospital in Dallas, Texas). During his residency, he was trained to put faces back together after facial trauma from car crashes, gun shot wounds, dog bites, etc.; to resect tumors or cancer from the head and neck and reconstruct the area to restore function and appearance. He has performed countless general anesthetics in the operating room, learning how to safely put patients to sleep and wake them back up.
Dr. Mueller loved all of this, but what he didn’t know when he finished his residency was that he would play a major role in one of the most important medical advances in human history: the ability to finally replace your teeth.
It is difficult to overstate the impact replacing teeth has on patients’ lives and how incredible he feels to be a part of it. Dr. Mueller has become a world leading expert on this procedure.
Today, he devotes the vast majority of his surgical practice to this procedure – to studying it and constantly pursuing ways to improve it. He is obsessed with how to do this procedure as simply as possible in the least invasive way with the most natural, beautiful and esthetic restoration of ideal facial function and anatomy. Because of that, he started Doctors Implants.
A lab was built, experts were hired, and conferences were hosted with leading surgeons and restorative doctors from across the country. Doctors Implants continues to do this today and we will keep pushing forward.
Dr. Mueller would be honored to be a part of your care. The best results come from doing this procedure right the first time and he would be happy to go on that journey with you. He has treated many, many patients from across the country that were told that were not candidates or needed the procedure revised or redone.
When Dr. Mueller is not performing or studying surgery, he has a life that includes a wonderful family, hobbies of flying planes, wake surfing and barbell training (he owns several gyms as well!). He loves to read philosophy and learn more about anything and everything. Life is an incredible journey and he is filled with gratitude to be so blessed.